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Hair Visions International Honors Michelle Cipriano for Lifetime Achievement

Glass award with blue accent, inscribed with "HAIRVISIONS INTERNATIONAL Lifetime Visionary Award" presented to "Michelle Cipriano," placed on a wooden surface against a dark background.
Hair Visions International Honors Michelle Cipriano for Lifetime Achievement

Michelle Cipriano, a single mother with two daughters and a son, started her business in a small Queens office in 1969. In the 1970’s and 1980’s, the hair loss industry was primarily servicing the men’s market, and dominated by men owners. She definitely was not a member of the “Club”. It was hard for Michelle to break-through, sometimes being the only woman studio owner at conferences.

Michelle was tough and competitive. She started advertising in the New York Post. Recognizing the popularity of Howard Stern, Michelle placed advertising on his radio show. Branching beyond the men’s market, Michelle was early in recognizing the value of diversity and need within the women’s market and started advertising with Wendy Williams on an urban radio station. Her business leaped when she added prime time network TV buys to her advertising plans.

Her daughter, Diane, after graduating from Cosmetology school, joined Michelle in business and they soon moved to their current location in Briarwood. Two additional offices were opened in Manhattan and New Jersey. MHN is a huge success story and Michelle made many transformations along the way to stay current and relevant in an ever changing environment.

Michelle’s latest transformation is to retirement, leaving the business in the very capable hands of her daughter, Diane Cipriano Puccio, and Diane’s son, Chris. Diane accepted the achievement award on behalf of her Mother.